Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do my lyrics that I wrote sound good?help!?

Wow for your first song that's really good! The first song I wrote was awful. haha. But yours is really good! It has a good message, that you have to take chances even though you have no idea what the outcome will be. Keep writing! (:

Mash-up song Gohan Cell?

I know there are probably a lot of enthusiasts that make DBZ songs but I am desperately searching for a mash-up that had Gohan in the beginning crying and after that saying: "this is ...your fault! This is all your fault!" .The song contained fragments from the battle with cell too.I remember finding it somewhere along cell's techno remix.

Getting pregnant after miscarriage what are my chances with this situation?

i had a miscarriage at 8 weeks which i stopped bleeding from 3 weeks ago i used an ovulation test and found the days i was ovulating me and fella had unprotected sex twice around the beginning of me ovulating as we want to try again do you think my chances are good even though i have not had my first period i also have ovarian cysts but have had them on of over ten years and have 4 daughters i fell pregnant the first month of trying with the one i just lost i used an ovulation test then as well

What is the best boombox?

Personally, I would go with a Sony, which one, it really doesn't matter. But hey have made good boom boxes in the past and continue their good reputation. If you really want one of the ones you picked, always follow this rule of thumb, the most expensive one will turn out to be the best. You may have to spend more money, but it should end up being worth the extra cash in the long run.

What kind of ultrasound am i gonna get to have my ovarian cyst looked at ?

My friends think its gonna be the kind that they just rub the stuff on my stomach and do it that way but once i got a dildo looking thing put up me to see if i had one. I know i have one now. Im just getting it further looked at tomorrow and im really scared. Are they just gonna rub the stuff across my stomach or stick something up me?

Route design for CA and NYC on this upcoming May!!?

i know you dont want to make any cuts to the schedule but you really need to consider travels time. some of the spots you have listed are pretty far away that you really wont have time to see everything you want to see. You will be driving everyday anywhere from 2-9 hours and then flying a considerable amount as well. Also I have been to LA, TRUST ME YOU DONT WANT TO SPEND 3 DAYS THERE. san francisco is so much prettier. maybe cut a few days from LA (you really only need one) to budget in some more travel time.

Why didn't talor battle for Penn State get drafted?

and why didn't Jeff Brooks get drafted, half these players who did he's better than. I think I would make a perfect NBA scout..

How would I send a Pizza from Colorado to Lansing Michigan?

So here's the story-Colorado has these famous Bo Jo's pizzas which are huge and amazing BUT Bo Jo's is only in two cities in Colorado and ONLY in Colorado. My mom has been begging and craving one for years, for her Bday I would really like to send her a few (they can be made to bake at home). I just don't know how to send it, does anyone know how to do this??

Cant connect iphone to itunes?

my little brother and my sister both have their iPod touches connected to iTunes and it says their iPod and their names on the left side on iTunes. they said that when they plugged their iPod's in the computer recognized them immediately. but when i plug my iPhone into the computer a window pops up and says what system i would like to use for my iPhone camera. we all use the same account. and i just bought the movie battle los angeles it hasn't downloaded yet and you can only see it in movies and downloads. how can i get itunes to read my iphone and get that movie on my iphone? please help! thanks!

Why did GOP Gov. Rick Snyder (MI) set up Emergency Fund Managers he can send in to take over cities?

Because it is his job. There has been a state control board in Buffalo, NY for years that was sent in by then governor Eliot Spitzer (D) in an effort to right the city's financial ship. Not a single union contract has been terminated..

Computer subwoofer (Altec Lansing) won't stop hitting when it's plugged in to outlet. non-stop bass constantly?

I purchased an Altec Lansing (VS4621 Octane 7 Speaker system) set of computer speakers with a woofer, and yesterday i came home and i heard the bass thumping non-stop. i tried to turn the volume down and everything but it was just constant bass and i had to take the plug out to fix it. I tried it this morning but it still does the same thing. does anybody know why it is doing this?

How do i cope with my mums death?

Its been four years now since my mum died, I know its along time ago, but I am still grieving over it, it happened so suddenly and I was only 10. It didn't hit me at first and now its only really begining to feel like it actually happened. She died of ovarian cancer after fighting it for 10 years, I feel like I hardly got to know her, even though we were so close. She was such a lovely caring person and so creative. She would do anything for me and brother, and I know I am so lucky to still have my dad to care for me, but it hurts so much. And its been four years I feel like I should be over it by now. I'm becoming seriously depressed about it, should I talk to a counsiler about it or should I meditate or something, I really don't know what to do, any advice? thankyou.

Could me being overweight make my period be late?

im 19 and not sexually active and my period has been late for about 3 months..i know i am morbidly could this be the reason that my period is late? i had to go to a ginacologist about 6 months ago because my period wouldnt stop completely for about 3 months.during that visit the dr said i had ovarian cysts. i would love your opinions..thanks in advace!

Moving to lansing michigan?

Im moving to Lansing michigan at the end of the year and was wondering why houses in lansing are so cheap. I dont really know what is a safe neighbohood in lansing either.. Help please

I'm a virgin...PLEASE ANSWER?

Sorry to ask to question, but if i am a virgin why do i feel fat and have like a baby bump if i am so skinny i weigh 87 pounds i am underweight so why would i have a "baby bump" if i am a virgin? Could it be because of my period or something? Also i am so scared because i am 14 a virgin and have a "baby bump" and when i press on my left side of my stomach i feel like a lump/ ball inside could it be ovarian cyst? because when i was done pressing on it it felt like if it was bruised inside the skin? Please answer me? Thanks.

Is there a better audio integrated controller for sound cards other than soundMAX?

It's not bad but is their a better sound software out there? I have Altec Lansing speakers and they are HD but soundMax is Not. By HD I mean the sound is clear and no white noise of course.

Can my ex having nude photos of me cause me to lose my child in a custody and child support battle in trial?

U are since look at what he's done u just might get a minimal offense while he did all this dumb **** I'm pretty sure they'll rather put ur child with u due to his records

Can i take 4 years pre medicine at Lansing community college ?

If there is a pre-med program then yes. However, you really need to attend a University rather than a community college. To apply to medical school you need to attain a Bachelor's degree in a specific field, something that you can't attain at a community college.

When was the first gun invented?

I dont know exactly when the gun was invented but the 16th century sounds about right as for gunpowder that was invented by Chinese they used it for fireworks so gunpowder came first

I'm hearing strange noises in my head, like a war or orders are being yelled at me. I'm in a silent room.?

I am sitting here and it is quite, only a fan on in my room. But it feels as if I am in a war sort of. I am noticing what sounds like screaming and activity, but it is dead silent. It is all in my head. Idk how to describe besides saying I feel like I am in battle and screaming of orders is all around me. I posted a few minutes ago bug I had to add something that may help. I ship out for basic training in a few months. And I doing special forces. Could this have anything to do with it. Also while I'm typing this the phone in my hands seems like it is ver small and I am a giant haha it makes no sense but idk haha

How does my yugioh deck sound?

I see where you're coming from, however some of these cards (like change of heart) are banned. If you were just beginning the game, then I would have to say this would suffice before getting better cards. If you want like Duelist Kingdom, you're going to need cards like Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Swords of Revealing Light etc. But if you want Battle City, then you have a lot more variety. Basically if you're keeping it old school, I would say these would work, but there are much better cards from the old series such as Dark Magician, or Gemini Elf, or Relinquished.

Can A Ovarian Cyst Cause You To Miss A Period?

Yes my friend had two of them... She thoughht she was pregnant again because she had no period..she went to the doctors and the found 2 cyst and one that had exploded

What are some jobs that don't require a social security number?

I have lost my ssc and my parents don't know my number, neither do i..but i'd like to start filling out some job you know of any that don't require youre ssn? I know mcdonalds doesnt and neither do many video places...I know i can get my number through security of state but i really don't feel like goin through the trouble. I live in lansing michigan if that helps.

Is this a good laptop?

Your choice is great, i used to buy a similar one in NearbyExpress, which is durable and perfect functional for my college life.

Is it possible to set up 2 bose companion 5 in a desktop pc?

Is it possible to set up 2 bose companion 5 in a desktop pc? or 2 Altec Lansing FX5051 in a desktop pc? please advice

Housing assistance, temporary homeless?

Look under Organizations(phone book/computer)like American legion hall,Salvation army,community service in your area and contact them on the next Business day-they will know what to do,you can also contact your local social service organization they will have suggestions and if all else fails there may be churches in your area that can offer you suggestions/help

BF always stopping after work to get a drink?

My bf is always stopping to go get a drink or hang out with friends. I am nine months pregnant 36 weeks exactly. I feel as though he is constantly putting his friends first. Does anyone think this will change after the baby or am I fighting a losing battle..

How come matt le tissier never moved to a bigger club?

matt le tissier is famous for his excellent dribbling ability his long range efforts and his set pieces but i always found it strange that even though matt le tissier produced great football worthy of a big club like man u, liverpool or arsenal he never moved from southampton who lets face it were an under average team in the premier league and were involved in the relegation battle nearly every season so why did matt le tissier stay

I don't wanna loose her.. but she doesn't understand...?

You need to work on your fear of losing people before you even start to deal with your relationships. I think that therapy could really help you with that cause it's really hard to do by yourself. You have to find the confidence & strength in yourself to accept those difficult losses that you've experienced & move on in your life. I'm not saying to forget, but to really grieve & face your current relationships without fear. For now, try to talk it out with your cousin & explain what you're going through, and how much that argument worried you. Just be honest with her & tell her how you feel. Good luck ♥

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How good is this laptop for gaming?

It's an excellent one if you need a lot of games on your hard drive. But everything else sucks. I hope you only wanna play poker or something because that's a laptop.

Im having discomfort at my lower abdomen that radiates to my lower back and thighs and groin?

i just wanna know if this is something serious because this has been going on for 5 days started after me and my husband had sex and he hit something inside of me.....its not really painful but it just makes me worry that this might get serious like ovarian cancer or cyst?

"Chemical pregnancy", in pain again, very confused...?

A little over 2 weeks ago, my period had been a week late, I'd been having some funny symptoms, so I took a HPT at night that had a very clear "plus". The next morning, I woke up in a bed full of blood (very very heavy bleeding) and crippling abdominal pain. My husband wanted to take me to the hospital right then and there, but I refused for 3 more days. Finally, I went because the pain wasn't ceasing. At the hospital, they took blood and urine, did an internal exam/pap smear, gave me a external and internal ultrasound, and did a cat scan. Not only did the doctor say they could find nothing wrong, but that I was in fact in excellent health. The only idea he had was I may have experienced a "chemical" pregnancy, which is basically a very very early miscarriage some women can just mistake for a regular period, and all signs of me ever being pregnant would have been gone by the time they ran tests. The pain did eventually subside, and I felt fine last week. Yesterday though, I woke up and my breasts were very sore (I don't actually ever remember them being sore at all, ever, before, I don't get pms bad or anything), and the pain came back as I was walking to work. No bleeding this time though. I have had ovarian cysts rupture and cause similar pain before, but they found no cysts or residual fluid of a ruptured cyst when I was at the hospital, and I seriously doubt one could have grown big enough to rupture and cause immense pain in under 2 weeks. Even if it's hiding from the tests, I just know something is going wrong in my body. The pain is in the lowest part of my abdomen, and it's actually tender to touch. Since I don't feel it's an emergency, and the hospital couldn't help last time, I will be seeing my regular doctor this time. I'm just not understanding what is happening. I'm just looking for some ideas of what might be going on, so I can ask my doctor to test and eliminate it as a possibility or find what's wrong. Anyone else ever experience things like this? I'm 99.99999% sure it has something to do with my female parts malfunctioning, but past cysts or pregnancy, which have been eliminated as causes, I'm not sure what else it could be? And before anyone says it, I DO NOT have a STD (which much to my embarrassment, they routinely test for at the hospital, making me feel like a complete idiot in front of my husband).

Can ovarian cyst prevent me from getting pregnant?

I have ovairan cyst on my right ovary and im just wondering if it gives me a lesser chance of getting pregnant. Iv been trying for a few years and nothings been happening.

Night time nausea, bloating and minor stomach pain?

You should go to Planned Parenthood. They'll treat you for free. It sounds like your other ovary is kind of in shock from the surgery and may not be working at full capacity right now as it heals. You may want to go on birth control pills to help offset that.

What kinds of things are there to do in the Lansing Michigan area?

We are going to visit family in Charlotte Michigan, which isn't too far from Lansing. We will be there the last week of May going into June and we have a 3 year old and 4 year old. I was wondering what kind of stuff there is to do?

Ovarian cysts and 9 weeks pregnant?

im 9 weeks pregnant and on my first ultrasound yesterday the tech said everything was good. but she found a simple cyst on my left ovary. should i be worried? the doctor didnt say anything but idk if hes waiting to see if it goes away, i also have a lump in my breast that he said he isnt worried about but its prob a cyst too will it bother my pregnancy

Are altec lansing ada995 speakers compatible with Creative x-fi SoundBlaster external sound card?

I have Altec Lansing ada995 speakers hooked up to my Dell at home. However, i am several hundred miles away from home, so i cant just plug them in and see if they work. I want to get those speakers shipped to school to hook up to my laptop, but i am not sure if those speakers are compatible with this sound card (Creative X-fi SoundBlaster 5.1 surround external sound card). My laptop is a Dell Precision M2400. will these speakers work with my laptop?

Which topic is the easiest?

Birth control. Newsweek website has interesting slides about it. Maybe you can use them to brainstorm more specific ideas about birth control.

Altec Lansing VS4621 or Creative Inspire T3200 or any other for 3.5k? Help me guys?

Hey guys I'm planning to buy 2.1 ch speakers 4 my itouch n 4 watching movies n I'm really confused as I'm getting mixed reviews 4 al vs4621 tat they hav muddy bass n poor mid range sound but some people say they r good ...also I liked creative inspire t3200 but I'm not getting much reviews on it..also it has a iPod cradle which looks good 4 my touch...guys pls pls help me n also suggest other creative n altec or other speakers 4 3.5-4 thousand rs...pls pls pls rep

Who is the best freestyler?

my cousin..... it gets to the point were no one is even paying attention and hes still going, everything haveing a hook, makes sense not that materialism ****.

Lower abdominal pains after intercourse =/?

You should use Tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here

Ok i bought the battle chest lich king and cataclysm im trying to install disc one of battle chest?

And it gets to like 70% then stops and says sorry instalation failed and it does it every time how to i get it to work i read manuel and all and i installed directx 9.0c and its still not working?

Does Lansing community college have a good fashion program?

Hi! I think it's great that you're open to traveling outside of Michigan for college because there are so many great fashion colleges out there! Have you've heard of the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in LA? If you're thinking about becoming a fashion editor or a buyer, they have a great merchandise marketing program or visual communications program that would fit both of your needs (depending on which career path you decided to take). I can totally understand how you feel about the expenses of college because I went through it too. My friends attended FIDM and they applied for grants, loans and even scholarships. They also held paid internships to help with any extra costs. You should check out their website and see if the school is a good fit for you and if you'd like to transfer there :) Good luck with your fashion education!

4 week old Rat with megacolon =[?

I don't know much about rats, but if it were my guinea pig, i would bring him to the vet and find out whats going on.

Does closing usually happen on time? Who attends?

We agreed with the sellers to close on April 14th. We put that into our offer because we are currently renting and do not want a double payment. We also have a lock in rate that expires that day. Will the lender try to push it back to avoid the lock in? Is there anyway to protect myself against that move? Also, the sellers have to travel from Denver to Lansing Mi for this. Shouldn't the lender take this into consideration? STRESSFUL!!!!

How do I tell my Grandma about my boy friend?

I'm Thirteen and I'm allowed to date (I live w/ my grandma) but I'm not sure how to tell her abotu my BF. We've been dating for a month and we love each other but I feel like shes going to over react because he live in Chicago and I live in Lansing. I don't care about the distance like some of you insensitives who will say "play with some local chap". And just because I'm thirteen doesnt mean I can't love. (I beleve that there are different levels of love and I am defeninately in love :)) He comes up just to see me. And he makes me happier than anyone esle can.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Women's health is slow, so I will ask here... Any of you ever experienced an ovarian cyst that is huge?

I had an MRI on my back due to a wreck I had, and in the process they found a 9 cm ovarian cyst. I go to my gyno tomorrow, but of course I am terrified of cancer, surgery, etc... any experiences?

Is belonging to a group dangerous?

At times yes, at times no. Depends on what you're fighting for. And being in a group makes you more prone to being influenced by other people, and not thinking for yourself.

Testing on monday which will be 16dpo. will i get accurate results?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 11dpo. i'm thinking of taking a pregnancy test on monday which will be16dpo if no period of course. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catcan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy today all day like i have the urge to vomit. could this be a sign?

Ovarian cysts? or Pregnancy?

You're right, there's no chance of these symptoms being related to pregnancy. That doesn't mean you couldn't be pregnant if you didn't use protection. Leaving that thought aside, you're symptoms sound more like appendicitis. Have you had any pain around your navel? Appendicitis pain starts at the navel and then shifts to the area of the abdomen just above the right pelvis. If you haven't used protection, and your partner is sexually promiscuous, get yourself checked out for STD. Any pathology in the ovary won't suddenly happen, unless your ovary has twisted (the condition is called torsion.) Whatever the cause, visit a health care provider rather than worrying.

Is it possible I had a very early on miscarriage?

Yeah it was most likely a miscarriage and the good news is it completely expelled itself on its own. Sometimes pieces are left behind and you need surgery or risk infection. About 50% of conception ends in miscarriage but only 30% of conceptions are diagnosed pregnancies that end in miscarriage. 20% of conceptions end in miscarriage and the mother never knows she was pregnant. It just looks like a late extra heavy, extra crampy period. The intense pain usually subsides after the actual fetal tissue and placental tissue pass. I am sorry for your loss. If you are trying to have a baby wait at least one normal menstrual period before you try again. Odds are your next period will be perfectly healthy.

Ways to have a baby when 'naturally' isnt an option? :(?

There is many ways of falling pregnant naturally when having pcos its harder than normal but it is very possible so don't rule anything out...The best bet is to go and speak to a fertility specialist and then he/she can work out the best possible treatment available i am not 100% sure but i think you can take tablets (clomid and or metformin) to help you concieve and as you said ivf which is effective.....good look :o)

Sharp, stabbing pain beside my hipbone?

For the past two days, I've had a really awful, sharp, stabbing pain on my right side, to the left of my hipbone. I'm assuming it's in the ovarian area, but I'm not specifically sure. It's been consistently constant, hurting most severely when I'm standing upright or moving around, and I'm really unsure what to think about it. I really don't have great health - I just turned 15, but I've already had my large intestine and appendix removed from Ulcerative Colitis (during this past year), I had a colostomy and now it's been reversed and I have J-pouch, and I've had constant migraines and tendinitis in my ankles since I was 8. Over the last 6 months, I got diagnosed with Celiac Disease, and since the only treatment is cutting gluten out of my diet, I've lost 67 pounds (I was really overweight of course, now I'm only like 10-20 pounds overweight for my height - 5'7", plus the Spanish and Irish in my blood didn't have any effect on my bone structure... tall n' Polish :P), plus I have had little issues like ear "tubes" for being born with hearing issues, tonsils and adenoids have been taken out as well. So in general, it might be nothing, but I'm so health-paranoid after all my other issues, it might be something. It was suggested to me to go to an ObGyn because it's close to the ovary-area, but I've never been to one before. Should I consider that? I've already considered appendicitis- but I don't have an appendix, it's not an intestinal pain at all otherwise I'd be in a car headed to the state capital to meet with my medical team (gastric- of course), and though my mother had gallstones, it is way to low to be an issue with the gallbladder, and it's too far to the front of my body to be kidney stones. I read that this could be a side-effect of a tubular pregnancy, but I'm not sexually active so that rules that out. I also haven't been overly strenuous on my body, all my friends are on vacation so the past three days I went for a few light walks around my block, but I've mostly been barricaded in my room with a stack of books from the school's reading list, so I really doubt it's a muscular strain. I really haven't found anything else on possibilities. As far as I know I'm too young to have anything wrong with one of my ovaries, but then again nine months ago I thought I was too young to have a form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease like Ulcerative Colitis too. So in general, should this be something to worry about? Any ideas on what the issue could be?

How to get State assistance straightened out for Grandchildren placed with me by Children protective services?

Applied for assistance for two Grandchildren placed with me by protective services and told there is a glitch in the system in Lansing. It is going on 6 months with no welfare assistance. Just keep being told it will be retro-active. We need it now.

How do I sell a account?

So im getting tired of the hobby of gaming so I'm looking to sell my BNET account. I have several games. Diablo 2 and the expansion, WC3 and its expansion, SC1 and its expansion. SC2, WoW with all expansions a level 81 DK and a 67 mage. Can anyone tell me how to make a legitimate transaction that is secure and me and the other party can trust eachother?

Is Lake Lansing in Michigan a nice lake?

Just wondering, I'm doing a reasearch project for science on this lake. I already looked at wikepidia, not much there. I need to know stuff like if the lake is clean, if the lakes crowded and stuff like that. Thankyou!

Is belonging to a group dangerous?

At times yes, at times no. Depends on what you're fighting for. And being in a group makes you more prone to being influenced by other people, and not thinking for yourself.

Where can you buy honeymoon cigarettes in lansing mi?

For cigarettes do not know, but for the honeymoon I suggest Tuscany "Honeymoon in Tuscany Villa" a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Ovarian cysts need Hysterectomy?

Cysts on the ovaries are pretty common and rarely dangerous... as long as the woman is still having menstrual cycles. Once menopause is reached, such cysts are more often dangerous--potentially cancerous--and must be treated quickly. I would imagine this is what's going on with your mother. However, you didn't mention if she's menopausal or not. About half of women age 50 are not menopausal, so I can't even guess in this case. I don't understand why they're saying "hysterectomy" when the key here is ovary removal. They should at least have specified that and said they were removing the ovaries. If they're worried about cancer, then at your mom's age, doing a total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy (TAH-BSO) is pretty normal, since docs don't see any point in having uterus and ovaries after menopause. Yet it is major surgery, and shouldn't be undertaken lightly. And if she does have cancer, then she NEEDS to have this surgery done by a gynecologic oncologist, not just a regular gynecologist. Gynecologists don't see ovarian cancer all that much--maybe once or twice in their career. But gynecologic-oncologists see it every day and have done thousands of these surgeries. She needs to get an opinion from one before the surgery, and she needs to get the surgery done by one.

Original Ideas! Yu-Gi-Oh/Bakugan?

I'm just curious it isn't for anything I just want to see what people come up with. Anyone have an idea for a game (doesn't have to be card) like Yu-Gi-Oh or Bakugan Battle Brawlers, the sense of battling someone with huge beasts or something, that'd be great. Thanks :)

When Moses parted the Red Sea?

and drowned the Pharaoh's army, all the battle gear like swords, shields, armor, horseshoes etc. would have gone to the bottom. Shouldn't those items still be there?

Lansing Bookery regularly marks up books 40 percent of the selling price. The bookstore's cost on a new best-s?

Lansing Bookery regularly marks up books 40 percent of the selling price. The bookstore's cost on a new best-selling book is $12.95 per book. What is the selling price of this book

Do i have a Ovarian cyst?

Consult a doctor if you are having any outward symptoms of ovarian cysts. Only a doctor can accurately treat the cysts. Symptoms include menstrual irregularity, pelvic pain, nausea, fullness and vaginal discharge.

What are the best Nintendo games?

Mario Kart. Double Dash [GCN], DS and Wii. Although I still say that Double Dash is better. It just needs to be remade on the 3DS or Wii U with better online features and a singleplayer Versus mode. Gets a bit boring having to keep replaying a certain Grand Prix, just so you can race on a certain track.

Please answer this. I know its long but i really need advice!?

By the sound of him why are you marring it?! I was wondering if I should report abuse! P.S should I?

I had a letter years ago from a wounded soldier to his commanding officer.?

The wounded soldier was a christian and the commanding officer was God. The soldier was requesting time off from the battle. Does anyone remember this and know where to find it?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome & Birth Control.?

PCOS is a very complicated condition and causes infertility in many women. Generally once you get off birth control your body will revert back to the irregular cycles after the levels of hormones are no longer being controlled by the BC. I think this is the window she is referring to. Most doctors I have gone to say that yes, it is right after you get off BC that you are most fertile, so if you are planning I would be do ovulation tests starting the day after you have the ring removed and continue each day until you see a positive sign. It is possible even on BC you will not have ovulation because of the PCOS. Good Luck to you though.

I Want To Move..........):?

okay well my mother made us move to a lil town named brimley the school has 500 ppl k-12 and it kills me all the shyt that goes on and idk all the other schools I've been to were amazing and they were huge nut it was nothing like this and my depression is getting worse everyday i haven't been able to move from my bed for 3 weeks...cuz well whats i point? and i'm pretty sure my mom moved us here because of how big this house is(its huge) and its still close to my step dads works. and well im basically depressed because my family is my life and they live so far away i only see them once a year and it really hurts she said if i find a town with a good school, that has a prison by it(my step dad works at like a prison or something) and a big house cuz we have a big family and if the house is by the rest of our family then she will move us there!!!!! MY QUESTION IS DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THERE ARE PRISONS IN LOWER MICHIGAN NEAR LANSING, ANY BIG HOUSES FOR SALE??? OR ANY GOOD SCHOOLS???? WHATS THE TOWN NAME??

What do you think of my NEW yugioh deck?

I think of the deck and theme interesting. To special summon Blue-Eyes and defend life points. To use Blue-Eyes, I think you need to protect it better and by protect it better, I'd say use Counter Traps like 'Seven Tools of the Bandit', 'My Body as a Shield', 'Starlight Road', and etc. A very easy way to summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon would be to use 'Ancient Rules'.

Depression that never seems to end.?

I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I am not exaggerating when I say that I feel sad almost every hour of everyday. I have lost all my inspiration. It makes me sad because I use to know myself so well, but now I am not even sure who I really am anymore. I feel lost, and constantly my mind is running thoughts and memories, It is like I cant control it anymore. Its overwhelming and controls my everyday life. My sleeping schedule is changes, but not frequently. Because of my depression, I feel as if I can't sleep...I stay awake until what seriously feels as if I am passing out. It is very painful for me since my sciatic nerve is messed up, so it tends to act up more at night, as well as my restless leg syndrome and asthma. I work full time so it makes working a drag. The past 3 months/recently I believe I cry about 4 times a week waking up, at work and before bed. I thought that it might be from my ovarian cyst but I have had them for almost 6 years and have never dealt with depression as bad as this. Since I was a child, I have dealt with depression, but have never been diagnosed due to money issues. I do believe that the depression in my past had a lot to do with the environment I grew up in and the constant everyday battles I faced with dealing with my parents who where drug users, argued everyday and neglected me at least until the age of 13 when my parents made more money(my happiness was "bought") I also used to cut myself. I fought myself so many times to try and ignore the thoughts. When I tell my parents about this, they don't seem to take me seriously. My mother puts her friends before me, and my father is extremely obsessed with my mothers absences and how it effects his life, to the point to where my problems don't exist at all. I am 19 years old...I still live in this house and giving money to my parents is hard to do, especially trying to improve and take care of myself as well. Everyday I suffer because of my emotions. I feel so miserable and almost so much so to a point of insanity. I am scared because I started to notice that I talk to myself out loud and really don't notice it until I kinda catch myself I guess. Throughout the day I feel the urge to cry several times, but mostly I end up reaching a point of what feels like major anxiety. I can feel my chest tighten, and this horrible butterfly in my stomach sensation...but not the good kind. I get really dizzy and I get migraines at least a couple times a day. I am also very insecure because of all of this. When someone looks at me on the street I tend to think they are looking at me because there is something wrong about my appearance, not that they are "checking me out." And last year, two people I got very close too betrayed me and hurt me so badly that it has now caused me some serious social anxiety outside of work. I shake a lot and it almost takes anything negative to set me off emotionally... I can't let things go....when I am upset I stay that way over the issue for a very long the point of constantly beating myself up mentally...of how stupid I am or pathetic. And when I cry, sometimes I cant stop... and at times causes me to have panic attacks. I cant be around people to long other wise I feel I need to be alone. The thoughts in my head wont shut up....and I cant handle it...I get to high levels of stress over this, to where I throw almost a child-like tantrum, but only in private. And even when I experience laughter and smile I still feel sadness within me...its like it is eating at my insides. It makes me feel sick and want to throw up. Also I do believe this is caused, not only from home life and personal, self loafing issues, but from my complicated love life. I met someone who I am now still involved with on and off romantically about 4 years ago. He lives about 8 hours from me though. He changed my life for the better at first but over time became verbally abusive. He tells me I am pathetic and stupid and a *****, etc. when he gets mad at me and tells me how everything is my fault, but then other times he is the sweetest guy in the world and very loving. I tried moving on once, went on a date with a friend...we ended up kissing once. I told him about it recently and he called me a cheater and that I should feel ashamed (even though we are not together now and weren't when I went on that date). Ever since I have felt incredibly guilty and more depressed then before. I think about ending it all sometimes. I feel worthless. And it makes me incredibly tense..I can't even clean my the point of getting carpet beetles (I look like a hoarder)...I panic when people go in my room because my room is like a window to my soul, metaphorically. I don't like people seeing my pain. I have so much potential to be someone in this world...but I always feel it will never end. Please, what should I do? Help me?

Haunted places in michigan?

Me and my friends are going to be doing paranormal hunting as skeptics. Is there any place around Lansing Michigan.

Do you think i could be pregnant?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 12dpo. i'm thinking of taking a pregnancy test on monday which will be15dpo which will be on monday, if no period of course. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catscan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy on and off for the past couple days.

Where shall i buy altec lancing 5.1 speakers?

I want to buy an altec lansing 5.1 speaker. the budget is between 4500Rs to 6000Rs. what is the best deal?

Where is my starter gift(Battle of Immortal)?

In Perfect World's Battle of Immortal new characters are supposed to gain number of starter items. The two very first items are Beginner's Mega Pack and Clothes Fashion Set. The problem is, I can't find the Clothes Fashion Set. Please help!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I have had severe abdominal pain?

I started having abdomenal pain about 3 months ago its started to get really painful, i had an appendiceptomy but they were normal, i then had a small ovarian cyst removed but the pain continued, i have unpredictable bowel movements, i sarted being sick a few times a week about 3 months ago but now for the past 3weeks im sick after everything i eat,the pains starting to get a little higher and is spreading to my back, i have a swollen tummy and get bad cramps help!

Help with altec Lansing octive duo?

So in December I bought this dual dock iPod speaker and right away when I put my 4.2.1 iPhone 3GS on it, it said charging is not compatible with this iPhone. So I took it off and put it back on a few times finally viola it worked. I was bumping some 2pac. I haven't tried to listen to music since until today. "charging is not compatible with this iPhone" I took it off and on multiple times and the music would play but not through the speaker, only through my phone. I downloaded both apps that it has for this product, I switched docks, turned it off and on, unplugged it, still can't play music through the speaker. Any advice?

Ipad Speaker doesnt charge?

i bought an ipad altec lansing mp450 speaker/stand/charger for my pad 1 and now after using it for a month its not charging however the power is coming on. what to do ?

Is it safe to put the speaker plug into a iMac headphone jack?

I plugged altec lansing speakers into my iMac headphone jack and i was wondering if it would cause any damage?

Bellows replacement on 3.0 mercruiser outdrive?

long story short, i had water in my boat for the first of season test drive. i looked at the bellows and noticed the smallest of them had ripped. i called grand pointe marina here in lansing michigan. and they quoted me 1000 in labor and another 600 in parts. is that price high. and since one of the bellows were ripped causing water to come in what else would have been ruined or should need to be replaced to fix the problem. what should the price quote be to replace all the parts since the outdrive is off like: gimbal, all the bellows, shift cable, and whatever else.

I need to see if theirs a bus from lansing michigan that comes to louisville kentucky?

my brothers girlfriend wants to come visit hiom and she wants to know if theirs any buses in Lansing that travel to Louisville

Ovarian cyst inside ovary?

You have PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is the cause for the ovarian cysts, though it might not be the only cause, depending on your age. PCOS is accompanied by irregular periods, abnormal hair growth, weight gain, etc. It can be genetic or induced by intake of hormones.

Are There Any Natural Remedies For Ovarian Cysts?

I've been in lots of excrutiating pain, bc pills and other things I have tried have not helped at all. I don't want to take pain killers or be on rx meds. I've gained 30 lbs and now I'm depressed over this issue. It feels extremely hopeless. The dr will not remove the cyst till it reaches 10 cm but I cannot take this pain anymore.

Good music speakers for computer/ ipod?

I am looking to buy good speakers for music listening. I do watch movies and play games but those are not important. Strength, accuracy, balance are pretty important. I heard the M-Audio Studiophile AV 40's were pretty good. I have also heard a good amount about the Altec Lansing MX6021 2.1 Expressionist Ultra Speaker Systems. The AV 40's were mentioned more and have better reviews but do not have a subwoofer. Overall which one is better or does anyone have any recommendations on good speakers for the 200$ and under range. I also hear that BOSE is overpriced and not worth it.

Dragon Throne Battle Of Red Cliffs?

I just downloaded and successfully installed the game. The problem is with the CD -Check part.. It says no disk in drive when i run the game. As for additional info, I am using a netbook, so i don't have a CD-player.. and I've downloaded all the crack and patch in internet and none of it works.. so i'm looking for maybe a file in the installation folder that have to do with the cd- check thing so i can manually delete the file?? *PLEASE***

Is anyone around Lansing, Michigan selling a baby, short-haired guinea pig? Or know of anybody who is selling?

I just recently bought a baby female guinea pig from Petsmart, and she died of an URI 2 weeks later. No exotic vet was available by the time I realized something was wrong, so I'm looking for one that isn't sold in a pet store. The local humane society doesn't have any guinea pigs available either.

Pain urinating, and vaginal irritation. Could it be part of my ovarian cyst, or something else like a UTI?

I had an ovarian cyst once, it doesn't have those symptoms. I bet its a yeast infection, research and go to the drug store to buy the kit to take care of it. It's no big deal at all!(:

Is an ovarian cyst supposed to hurt this bad?

Last night i was with friends and then my stomach started hurting so bad i could barely move. So i went to the hospital and they did tests and said its an ovarian cyst and im still in a lot of pain. I have a gynocologist appt on thursday but are they supposed to hurt this bad? How do they go away / form? And i feel super grossed out when people ask whats wrong. Is it common? Any info would be helpful!

Is it unfair to your gf/bf to want to go seperate ways for no particular reason?

I've been dating my gf for 2 years, and I love her a lot, but where at different points in our lives. We knew this going in, but dated anyway. And we've lived together for 2 years now. I feel so guilty because I'm the one who is thinking about seperating and I know it's not for great reasons, and reasons that we already knew and talked about before we started dating. I feel like I would be betraying her since I chose to be with her instead of realizing we were at different points from the start. It's really confusing me and tearing me up and I feel like I could go either way with it. My head is saying were at different points, but it might be too hard for my heart to let go. I dont know what to do but I need to make a choice because everyday the thoughts and feelings battle each other. ugh..

Question/comment about Transformers 3.... Dont view if you havent seen movie?

I didn't expect much out of the movie anyway so this didn't stike me as odd but I just figure they all came out in washington and the moon and then flew to the other countries, and cities as the final battle took place in chicago but they couldnt have all the decepticons their they needed to keep humanity under control.

Wouldn't life be grand without those union thugs?

I don't work in a mine because I have a brain. Life would be far better if about 90% of the human race disappeared. Would not need coal or unions.

Should I be worried about getting pregnant?

I had unprotected sex last Friday, the last day of my period, he didn't use a condom and although i was on the pill, we were drinking and i had been sick earlier that day and may have thrown the pill up (i take it at 830pm). is it possible for me to be pregnant? i also took the emergency pill on the sunday after wards.. just wondering what the chances are as i also have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) which means i rarely get my period anyway..

Been feeling crampy all day have the urge to vomit. is it a sign?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 10dpo. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catcan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy today all day like i have the urge to vomit. could this be a sign?

Cant connect iphone to itunes?

my little brother and my sister both have their iPod touches connected to iTunes and it says their iPod and their names on the left side on iTunes. they said that when they plugged their iPod's in the computer recognized them immediately. but when i plug my iPhone into the computer a window pops up and says what system i would like to use for my iPhone camera. we all use the same account. and i just bought the movie battle los angeles it hasn't downloaded yet and you can only see it in movies and downloads. how can i get itunes to read my iphone and get that movie on my iphone? please help! thanks!

My mom has ovarian cancer. her tumor is shrinking but she still needs chemo. where do i go with this info?

My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in december of this year. Her c125 was way over 6000. It has gone down to below 21 now. Her tumor has shrunk but not enough to stop doing chemo. She had a month off from chemo but the cat scan today showed her tumor had shrunk since the last cat scan. It had shrunk significantly. Where do I go with this information. I am scared and nervous. She is 47 years old.

Need advice thanks..............?

I stated that I want to take it slow in my craiglist ad. Ok. so I am talking to this guy and it is like 5 th or 6 th day and he is ready to meet up with me. Ok he wanted to meet up in this city. Which is not where I live. (Lansing ) I do not want to that. I rather meet up at the Casino of my choice. I really am not trying to be alone with this guy right now. And all he can do is ask me why the casino. He pretty much wants to meet up where he wants and is rushing too meet up with me quick for some reason. He states that he really wants to meet up and have some fun.

Mom is getting surgery and I'm deathly afraid?

I support Pangolin's answer. Putting it another way, your mom's risk of dying is greater from the auto ride to and from the hospital than from the surgical procedure. No exaggeration!

Laparscopic ovarian cysts surgery & incision drainage?

I had surgery yesterday morning to remove a cyst from my left ovary. Since being home I have what i call a lot of clear/pink liquid coming from my incision. I have 3 incisions, one over my pubic bone, one in my belly button and one over my left ovary. I have no problems out of 2, a little pain from my belly button, but the 3rd is causing me to have some questions. The one in question is the one over my ovary.Yesterday i had a good bit a drainage to the point that i gave up on paper towels and used a clean sanitary pad to absorb this liquid. It comes in goes in spurts but when it comes it is tons! I can fill a pad in 30mins, is this a normal amount of drainage from my incision? i am back to draining this much again. just wondering if this amount is 'normal' and when will it end?I have no drainage tubs just to point out. This area is also very swollen, from my hip to my belly button, from the top of my pubic bone to the top of my belly button but left. i called my dr this morning but he says i sound fine. i on the other hand am kinda worried. opinion? this is my first surgery

Should i buy Altec Lansing VS2621 speakers which ranked high in review tests ?

I have been using Altec Lansing speakers for my computer for well over 10 years and no problem. It is a very good brand and there are not many speakers out there that will have more power. Hope this will help you out.

Questions about progesterone cream?

I've been told this will help with ovarian cysts and the pain it causes, that after time it will shrink them. I'm wondering if that's true and if it is then will it help shed the weight and diminish the depression that has come along with these cysts?

Recovery time for ovarian tumor removal?

I just recently found out I have a tumor. What is the average recovery time if a bikini cut is used?

Where can I get an extension cable for the Altec Lansing ADA-305 speakers?

I recently picked up a set of old Altec Lansing ADA-305 speakers with subwoofer. They work great, but the right and left speakers cables are a bit short. They're not regular 3.5mm speaker wire. They kind've seem to be like a 5 pin mini-din but with an arrangement of 3 pins on one side and 2 on the other, not 5 across the top like a MIDI cable. Anyone have any ideas?

Urinary Tract Infection or...something?

Best for you to go to the doctor to find out for sure if you have urinary tract infection. One of my friend have experienced a lot of pain in urinary tract infection issues unfortunately but at the end of the day after 4 years she used natural products which helped her a lot. I remember the medicine named Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill. You can consult them before you buy it. I am sure you will find your solutions. Best of luck.

Womens Health / Ovarian Cyst?

Hi I was wondering why don't i feel pain in my right side of my stomach like im suppost to. I was just told from a doctor that i have an ovarian cyst I am so scared I started crying thinking if i was ever gonna be able to have kids I feel like im alone please help me and give me some advise i so scared to death??!!?

Can anyone help me with my computer speakers?

I have a old pair of altec lansing ACS52 speakers. They are powerd and just today found and bought the correct ac adapter to power them up. I was very excited to find the ac adapter in a local thrift store. The exact model number too, and in great condition. So I plug it up, It comes on but no sound. maybe I got it hooked up wrong? The inputs go in this order. First DC pwr. - spkr - HP - sub - A - B, Each one has its own input hole so there's six total. I also had to splice on a 3.5mm. input end on the other speaker so I could plug it into the power spk. Maybe that has somthing to do with it? maybe It needs a sub to work but I dont think so. All my wire splices are good, my polarity is good. And I know both speakers work. Please someone tell me how to hook these up properly. I so frustrated now I just had to walk away from them. Thanks for any info you have Rob

6 months without a period?

I'm 14 almost 15 and I've had a period science I was 11 and they've alway been very irregular, never 2 months in a row. And always VERY light for 3-4 days. But now I havent had a period in 6 almost 7 months. I'm starting to get worried because of my very extensive family history of Ovarian diseases, I was diagnosesd with large cysts on both ovaries on my 13 birthday... Is it normal to be this irregular.??

Fine Needle Biopsy for Ovarian Cancer?

If you are being investigated for that cancer, really, don't worry about small scars (which you probably won't get, by the sounds of it). Your health is so much more important! In any case, we all have scars and in my own opinion, they aren't ugly - they just are. A mark of time and life.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer or cancer?

I have been experiencing symptoms for the past 6 weeks. It started off when I was woken out of my sleep with upper abdominal pains. I went to the doctor and told me it was acid reflux due to taking pain killers. It slowly went away. Now my symptoms consist of weakness some days, I had groin area pain and felt the need to pee all the time, even sometimes I didn't’ need to pee. I went back to the doctors and they told me it was cystitis as I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. So then I went to get sti check up and it was all clear. Now I have lower right back pain with a slight pain in my right leg. I had changed in bowl movements and bloating the other week which i was thought was due to not eating or sleeping correctly as my bowel movements are now normal and I have no constipation. I have a doctor’s app on Friday and I am worried this is cancer or ovarian cancer as some of the symptoms are of that. Should I be worried? Thanks

When training to be a correctional officer in Michigan, at the academy can they go home or have to stay there?

My boyfriend is going to college to be a correctional officer and we were wondering when he goes to the academy in Lansing if he has to stay there for the 2 months or if he can come home on weekends or every night.

I Need help on Sound Card and Speakers....?

I am thinking of buying creative 5.1 surround sound card...Now I have one altec lansing 2.1 speakers and another set of 2.1 speakers....Will I be able to connect these two with the Creative sound card and make them 4.1 ? Please help me .....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pregnancy question, help!?

if the test was negative i would say its probably something to do with the PCOS go to your doctor if your worried but you may have ovulated later, not sure what it could be although if your test is negative i would say your not pregnant. good luck

What do you think of my poem?

Haha very good. I can relate to it well, as my dog often likes to take ME for walks and there is no stopping his tugging.

Any of you who have dealt with Ovarian Cancer or cysts at a young age (29)?

I had an MRI for a car wreck and it revealed I had a 8 cm mass in my pelvis... I had an ultrasound, and the tech said that the mass looked like a large cyst, fluid filled and cystadneocarcinoma cannot be ruled out. Cyst may be malignant due to size. The tech also mentioned blood flow to it, which I know is bad... I am 29, have a child and have no history in the family of cancer, but that report has me terrified. I am having surgery to remove it next month, but I just fear it is cancer. I know they won't know until they take it out, but is the fact that is is fluid filled good or bad? Any experience with ovarian cysts?

Why do Jews control so many things in America?

Well, that should about cover the Jews. Now can you provide a list of all the Catholics, Lutherans, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and of course the Sons of Suction who have good jobs in the USA? Sorry if I've left any other religions out.

How much is an 86 olds 442 worth?

Me and 2 other guys want to buy it the guy wants 1500. From what ive seen it is in great shape and im told it runs and drives (ill see for myself before i buy it). I live right on a Freeway and i want to try and flip it and double my money on it. I live in Michigan right outside of Lansing (Big Olds town) if its in good shape. what is a reasonable price to put on it?

Diverticulitis and spotting?

im awaiting diagnoses of possible diverticulitis, been told it may take a few weeks for a ct scan, im in the middle of the antibiotics and starting to improve,,part of the reason why its taken so long to get help is that they thought it was something gyne due to spotting and bleeding between periods and most of the pain was low in the pelvis on the right,,they thought it might be an ovarian cyst at 1st,,urghh its not been very nice but at least we are getting closer to having answers,,,any help or advice would be gratefully appreciated,,,,i had read that diverticulitis mainly presented with pain on the left,,???

Do you need the same amount of yu gi oh cards to battle?

You need to have between 40 and 60 cards to make a Yu Gi Oh deck. The closer you get to 40, the more of a chance you'll get the card you need when you need it since the limit is 3 each on cards not on the limited list. Semi-limited is 2 and limited cards are just 1 each. So the fewer cards the better. I usually run 46 cards which is a good balance for me.

When I put my gamecube game into my wii, it spins for a few seconds and then stops?

I got a few GameCube games from my friend who's had them and hasn't taken the "best" care of them. I have one in particular (Sonic Adventure Battle 2), that does this. I can put the game in, load up the console, click on the game channel, click start, and then the game will spin in the console for a few seconds and then stop. What puzzles me is that neither the "An Error Has Occurred" screen, nor the "The Game Disk Could Not Be Read" screen pop up. The screen remains black until you reset the system. Someone please help with solutions to fixing the Wii and/or the game. Thanks.

Pokemon 5th gen training & team advice help!!!?

Sorry I cant answer your whole question because i don't wifi battle or pay attention to tiers. For the dual types part it depends on there weaknesses. If u have a whiscash (water/ground) and sandslash(ground) they are both weak to grass. However if u had a Pidgeot(Normal/flying) and a snorlax(normal) it would be ok because pidgeot loses its fighting weakness. HOPE I HELPED=P

At 18 i had an ovarian cyst removed, at 25 i'm having my first cervical smear,should i have had one before now?

I'm 25 and having my first cervical smear today, I'm very nervous and scared of what the results may be due to having an ovarian cyst removed at age 18 and my mum and grandma [on my mum's side] having to have abnormal cells removed, since my operation at age 18 I have not been contacted to have any more check-ups until 2 weeks prior to my 25th birthday, my mum has said I should have had my first smear test before now given my/my family history, I am worried that they may find something I have dreaded since I discovered about my ovarian cyst at 18, should I have had one before now? Any advice will be gratefully taken =~/

Can high doses of birth control affect stretch marks?

So I have problems with heavy bleeding and cramps and ovarian cysts so my doctor put me on birth control. Every couple of months he had to increase the dosage because it wasn't helping much. Now I'm on the highest dosage there is and I have to take aspirin to make sure my blood doesn't clot. So of course I gained weight fast and then I saw some ugly stretch marks...they keep popping up EVERYWHERE!!! I exercise and I'm not a large person. I went from weighing like 130 lbs to now weighing 150 wtf...are some women more prone to stretch marks or is it the birth control because I have spider veins too...:(

Need student loans family has bad credit i just finish high school need money for college help?

Moving to Michigan from hot South Texas and going ot attend Lansing Community College but i need money finacial aid wont help me cause my mothers hasnt recieve her tax return papers so im screwed so what loans can i get to able to attend college there and i will get a part time job to live there so can yall please help me

Sex and burning sensation?

well every time my fiance cums inside me it burns and i want to go to the bathroom and wash the *** out. its not out of the way unbearable but it isnt comfortable. at first i thot it was the lubricant and we stopped using it and it still happens. and i just wanna know any possibilities. i have poly-cystic ovarian syndrom and i dont think thats the problem. but idk whats up. just trying to get ideas. im gonna go to my gyn about it some time soon. any ideas?

What kind of speakers does the HP dv6t laptop have?

I have been wanting an hp with beats audio speakers, but i have read in some places that this laptop actually has altec lansing speakers. on it does say it has beats audio. does anyone know for sure??? thanks

Man City and Man Utd to battle it out for Samir Nasri ??? 20 million ?

NO WAY is it going to be the downfall of the Gunners if Nasri is stupid enough to leave... Hopefully he'll stay, but if not, we can and will replace him.

How can I make my wrinkly eyes, eye shadows, puffyness and crows feet begone?

I am 24 years old, been working late nights, been rubbing my eyes diligently because they itch, I have deep shadows under my eyes, eye wrinkles, crows feet, puffiness and so forth, I want to eliminate or possibly reduce them to the fullest extent. If anyone can recommend me a powerful remedy that I'd gladly appreciated. My eyes looks like they survived an epic battle with the power rangers, that's how messed up they are. Someone advise me to put vitamin e lotion on but I am skeptical of it's effectiveness.. Is there any superb anti aging eye wrinkle cream? Hence I'm not looking for concealers I want a permanent solution to this problematic situation.. Thanx in advance...... Am not looking for a under eye concealer as for I want to remedy this problem forever.

Is it safe to take Metformin for PCOS?

I've been suffering from PCOS since last 5yrs and I'm 23 now. Last year during ultrasound I was detected with Ovarian Cyst with 6 cm. And before 6 months I was given Metformin for 3 months. While I was on Metformin 500mg 2 times per day for 3 months I had my periods regular but after stopping it I again started to have irregular periods.But I started to have my back bone ache. I had an ultrasound the day before and the report was I had 8cm Ovarian cyst. And the gyno suggested me Metformin 500mg 3 times per day for 3 months.I'm unmarried and I want to have baby in my future. Is it safe to take Metformin like this?

Where can i find a reasonably priced reception hall near lansing Michigan last minute?

my fiance and i are just having a civil ceremony at the court house but we would like to have a party for our friends and relatives to help us celebrate. its a rush type thing...nothing fancy. we just want a dance floor and a kitchen for the food. my grandparents are here for the summer and i want them there so we have to have it by the end of july and we dont have a ton of money...we are paying for it ourselves. is it even possible to find a place in that amount of time and how do i even go about finding a place? pls help i am so overwhelmed

POLL: Does anyone know of any fun things to do on a boring rainy day in Lansing?

You could go shopping with my friend's daughter -- she's a senior at State, and I know she will go shopping at the drop of a dime.

Help this is very Important Question?

It took me about 3 cycles to be regular again after I had my miscarriage. It's very normal for that to happen, as your body has just gone through a lot of big changes in a very short amount of time. As for the small cysts, I have some small cysts on my left ovary, but they have not stopped me from ovulating or from getting pregnant. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope you have a healthy pregnancy in the VERY near future! Lots of baby dust to you.

I have a question about Detroit and the Rust Belt.....?

Is the demolishing of development and the returning of the land to countryside that is happening in Detroit and two other cities in Michigan, Flint and Lansing, and in Youngstown, Ohio, going to happen in every American city?

Do Polycystic Kidney Disease and Polycystic Ovarian Disease have anything in common (besides cysts)?

No. The term polycystic simply means may cysts. Ovarian and renal ( kidney ) tissues are different. There may be more than one cause for each disease state. Not a complete explanation, but I hope it helps.

Ovarian cyst? pregnant? nothing?

its possiable you have a cyst, i have cyst on my left ovary and sometimes sex was so painful on that said and was tender to the touch and even made me throw up several times a day if it busted. So you may very well have a cyst i dont believe if your pregnant it should hurt on ur side like that. However when you have concieved and the baby attaches to an egg your side can pain very bad because it strechs a bit. If you do have cyst it wil be a little harder for you to concieve as the cyst sit on your ovary where the sprem need to attach! good luck

Speakers caused major damage to my notebook?

I recently bought an external speaker from CD-R King. Once plugged in my Asus K42F, a weird sound was produced by my Altec Lansing built-in speaker. After which, Altec Lansing's Left speaker isn't working anymore, while the Right speaker have worst quality ever. I need help with this. I plugged in a headset, quality's good. When I unplugged it, the built-in speaker sounds like trash. Help everyone.

What's wrong with my iPod?

I got this new speaker(Altec Lansing IMT620) I tried plugging my iPod touch 4 into the iPod slot, but its not working. I tried my iPod nano in the same slot and it played. My iPod touch is still charging and playing. The Aux is the only part working in the stereo so what's wrong. When I plugged it in 2 nights ago it worked fine, but since yesterday it hasn't played through the iPox slot. HELP!

Muffled speakers, whats wrong with them?

Okay so I have 'Altec Lansing AVS300' speakers . So theres one large speaker then two smaller ones. For a little while now the speakers sound really muffled, but some beats and some parts of songs sound normal and clear. We are hopefully getting new speakers soon anyway; they look ancient in our house. But for the time being, I'd like to know if theres any way of fixing them? The main speaker and the right speaker whcih controls the volume dont make any noise, but the left speaker works and the volume controller works for that speaker. I know how to take other speakers apart but these dont have screws and wedges dont open the back. Please help? Also, I can provide with more information if you ask!

Of all the failures of Carter being repeated by Obama, is this the worst one?

obama proved today that he is no leader when he blamed his failures on congress. if he was a leader he would have taken the blame and then said things would get done for the country and the people, but sadly he played politics instead. he is a failure as a leader

What are some good dress shops in Lansing, MI?

I'm attending an international ball in a few weeks and I'm looking for a relatively cheap red, halter dress, maybe around $100.00. What are some good dress shops in Lansing? Please do not say Debbs... those dresses are not the quality I'm looking for.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Without giving me a website, can someone tell me the timeline of "The Battle Of Britain"?

I just want to write a story about it, but I don't know what happened during those months. I rather sure it had a little bit more than dogfights.

1 week late..Do you think im pregnant?

well i would take a pregnancy test they are a dollar at the dollar store! and if its positive tell your mom she wont be as mad at you when you tell her! if your not then have her take you Doctor and get some birth control because being a teen mom not that fun promise am a teen mom of two and i got lucky that my husband stuck around some men don't! but i wish you all the luck and if any one mean to they just dont understand because there not you so just ignore it!

So I've been on birth control for over a month and I still haven't had my period?

I'm 18 years old. I was diagnosed with Cystic Ovarian Syndrome which I hear is very common.This syndrome is where I make to much testosterone. So basically my gyno said I have to be on birth control long term. No problem. But I've been on the pill for over a month and I still haven't had a period. I'm not sexually active. But I am worried about not having my period yet. Can anyone give me a little in site.

What is the most reasonable means of traveling from Virginia to Michigan?

I would get the bus or the train.... But a cheaper option that you might not have thought of is Cycling :)

Why haven't I had my period?

It was probably implantation bleeding. Buy a few preggo tests and if they are positive then ur gonna have to go to ur doc.

So it's 2:30 in the morning I'm texting and about to go to sleep. But I have this sensation that is awkward?

I am sitting here and it is quite, only a fan on in my room. But it feels as if I am in a war sort of. I am noticing what sounds like screaming and activity, but it is dead silent. It is all in my head. Idk how to describe besides saying I feel like I am in battle and screaming of orders is all around me.

Lansing,il looking for addres to a office of balfour...?

they gave me a address but i lost the paper i had it on..the address goes like this..183.33 burnham ave,lansing,il im trying to figure out if its the right one..

Ovarian Cyst Removal Surgery Risks?

Is there anyway you doctor can give you a note to give your boss? I had two large ovarian cysts removed last year and did take me at least two months to feel "normal" again. The important thing is to not re-open the incision. Driving a car for two hours when in that type of pain sounds very uncomfortable.Are you out of sick days and that is why your boss is making you go back to work? Do try and get a note. If possible have your doctor talk to your boss personally since he is the one who suggested 6 weeks.

Any teachers out there who think this is an outrage?

The Blaze? Really? Glenn Beck propaganda is seldom actual "news". Chances are there was nothing in that article that was correct.

Help with battle in Final Episode-Kingdom Hearts BBS?

I'm kinda stuck in the final episode and cant even get pass Terranort (Terra+Xehanort). The sad part is that im only a level 29 because i didn't know all my data from the main file was gonna be transferred over otherwise i would've trained more. Anyways, i would like if you guys could give me as much advice as possible in how to defeat him. I would also greatly appreciate if you guys can give me the names of some useful commands to use and which ingredients are needed in order to obtain them. PLEASE HELP ME....I'm getting tired of dying so much XD. Useful links would be appreciated.

Sims 3 system requirements?

I would say the second choice is slightly better. Both are equipped with Intel integrated video card, which to be honest, does not perform well in games. Sims 3 will run fine on low-medium graphic settings a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can you die from ovarian cancer or having a cyst?cause i have a cyst!?

10 points for best anserw.and do u have to have surgery to remove them,because im only 15 1/2 and im scared :(

Can Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome cause ovarian cancer?

I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome) and I'm scared that it will cause ovarian cancer. I haven't got my periods this month, and I'm not pregnant (I've had several tests done to confirm that). And if I stop getting my periods, is that a symptom of ovarian cancer, or is it just when I bleed when I'm not supposed to?

Suggestions for my pokemon emerald team?

Charizard, used him on my ruby at level 100 and beat every elite four only using him, i didnt even have to use my raquaza, groudon, or the other water legendary :P

Hyperthyroidism, pcos, anxiety?

Im 14 years old, female, and i have a lot of symptoms. About 2 months ago, i was diagnosed with a small ovarian cyst. I have painful menstruation cramps, to the point where i cant get up. I have very bad acne, i experience fatigue, major major MAJOR anxiety, rapid heart rate, very very fast heart rate, sometimes dizziness, hair loss, and sensitive to cold, (Raynaud's syndrome) As you can see, i have quite alot of symptoms. Most of these link up to both hyperthyroidism, and PCOS. Any suggestions on what to do or what i may have? if you have hyperthyroidism or PCOS are u dealing with anything im dealing with? Thanks

Subwoofer not working?

I have an Altec Lansing sub that is an older model. When I plug my phone into it to play music, it doesn't do anything. Then I noticed that it has a speaker plug in, and I was told that you must have the speakers for it to work. I wanted to make sure that this is correct, and also I wanted to know if there was a way that I could tell if it would work before I went and spent the money on the speakers for it.

Free fun things to do in Lansing Michigan?

I'm 21. My mom's trying to get me out of the house but I can't think of any place to go that doesn't cost money. any ideas???

Best 20 inch/19 inch LED monitor and best brand of monitors ?

go to and have an idea. but dont buy there. then go to your nearest authorized dealer and buy that moniter

I have ovarian cyst and had sharp pain on my left side, does this mean it has gotten bigger and burst?

I was diagnosed with a 2.5 cm ovarian cyst in Feb. 2011 and I had a sudden sharp pain on my left side (where cyst is located) and it was so bad My husband took me to er and all they said was what I already knew "That I had an ovarian cyst" so they sent me home with pain meds and told me to go to my obgyn who diagnosed me the first time. So I don't know what's going on in my body but I've got a dr apt in the morning. Can ayone tell me what to expect? thank you!

Help with a 90's made for tv movie?

It was about these two volleyball players. They had a friendship/rivalry. They both battled bulimia and one dies after being hit by a car after a beach party. In the end, the friend who lives sees the friend who dies ghost at the volleyball game.

How can I repair my speakers?

you say no lights, that indicates they are powered speakers. it could be they were left plugged in when the owner was away and got hit with a surge on the power line. in that case the fix might be as simple as replacing a fuse.

Im not sure if anyone can help?

i was diagnosed with endometriosis and ovarian cysts in December after having a laparoscopy i was taken back into hospital two weeks ago where they later discovered four more cysts had appeared i was having irregular heavy bleeding so they decided that the best option was to give me the zoladex injection but after reading into it a bit i had a slight scare because something came up saying that it can cause early menopause which would lead me to not having children at all does anyone know whether that is the case ? and whether id still be able to have children after the course of the injection?

X-Men : First class Goof or Miss understanding ?

In the movie , the part where the battle of the ships of USSR and USA are fighting , when the soviet ship fires a missile on the cargo ship carrying 6 nuclear missiles , arent the missiles supposed to explode and after that a nuclear explosion should happen but nothing happens ... why ? is this a goof ?

Does anyone know where I can buy Benadry Allergy Quick Dissolve Strips in Lansing, Mi? 10 pts!?

Please take pity on me and help a girl out! These are the only thing that works on me and now I am being told by everyone that the store does not carry them anymore. For the last week my head feels as it is about to implode!

Have you ever had an ovarian cyst?

How did you feel and what happened with it?I have one and see my doctor Monday.It hurts a lot and I feel really tired.

What are the best Nintendo games?

Mario Kart. Double Dash [GCN], DS and Wii. Although I still say that Double Dash is better. It just needs to be remade on the 3DS or Wii U with better online features and a singleplayer Versus mode. Gets a bit boring having to keep replaying a certain Grand Prix, just so you can race on a certain track.

I had a ruptured ovarian cyst and found out I was 2-3 weeks pregnant. Will this cause a miscarriage?

Im bleeding as well, lighter than a period. Has anyone been pregnant and had this happen and everything be OK? Please let me know. Thanks so much!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm 15 and want to get on the pill?

I live in michigan too. you can go to any planned parenthood and get the pill for free . go to there website and find the nearest location . see if someone can give you a ride there . they will ask you a few questions and such . but they wont turn you away or judge you . I am proud of you for protecting yourself . Just because your on the pill dosint eanyou shouldent use condoms . good luck hun .

What kinda of guitar should I get?

I want to get a guitar and teach myself how to play. What would be a good kind of guitar to get concidering I'm a beginer? And if you know a place close to Lansing, Michigan where I could buy one that would be awsome.

They don't sell E.L.F at target anymore! Where can I buy it offline?

I checked Target, Walmart and Mejier, but I can't find it anywhere! If anyone could help me out that would be awesome! I live in East Lansing MI, Thanks!!

Could you please tell me what you think of this Pokemon battle?

i like it. i love to vs level 100. ill vs u if u want are you using the virtual gameboy advance online version or gameboy advance version like not online the handheld one email me if u want or just i'm me or ill add your you tube page. cool battle personally me i like it.

I have a 7 month old lil girl and since the birth i had an extremely heavy period of 22 days then have had...?

It's normal to bleed for upto 6 weeks or longer after giving birth and its also normal for your periods not to resume regularly straight away especially if you are breastfeeding.

I had 7 teeth removed and 2 root canals in one day, can this cause diarrhea?

On 6/9 I had to have my appendix removed, and a burst ovarian cyst taken care of, on 6/20 I had 7 teeth removed (do to mostly genetics and a lack of dental care growing up, my dad suffered from gum disease and had all teeth removed by age 25) I also had 2 root canals in the same day. My dentist did not prescribe antibiotics post op and I am not sure if they still do I took 2 cyclosporins pre removal due to knee replacements ( inherited RA) I have been living on protein shakes, yougurt, and soup since, for the last 3 days and to add to it I have had horrible diarrhea and stomach cramps, along with a horrible taste in my mouth. I don't know what to do, should I call the dentist to see if I picked an infection? should I call my family doctor or should I call my surgeon to see if I have a late blooming complication from my appendectomy?

Would i be able to play cod black ops on a 2005 hp pavilion altec lansing laptop?

ts got a amd athlon (tm) 64 processor 3200+, manufacturer hewlett packard model 3085 42.3b, chipset ATI xpress 200 (RS480), southbridge ATI SB400, BIOS version F.1B, date 10/11/2005 GENERAL, type ddr, size 512 mbytes, channels # single, TIMINGS, dram frequency 165.8 mhz, fsb:dram cpu/6, SPD, MEMORY SLOT SELECTION, module size 256 mbytes, max bandwidth pc2700 (166mhz) voltage 2.50, ATI mobility RADEON xpress 200 series, and if i cant or can you can please tell me what i need to possibly be able to play cod black ops if needed and if it lags what to do to make it better hope this helps

Wouldn't life be grand without those union thugs?

I don't work in a mine because I have a brain. Life would be far better if about 90% of the human race disappeared. Would not need coal or unions.

Im a severe hypochondriac? help? only 13?

I used to be like you. Then I realized that the likelihood of me dying anytime within the next few weeks or months was extremely low, especially at such a young age. Try to relax.

PC Speakers volume button makes annoying static noise! Help-?

Check if the wires are connected properly to the speakers and to the PC. If it is connected properly and still does the same problem, return the product to the supplier and get a replacement.

What time does the noise ordinance in Lansing MI start and end?

I would like to know the time of the noise ordinance in Lansing Michigan, I read you can "make noise" after 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM

How many inches of rain did we get in lansing MI 48917 this April (on the dates shown below)?

I'm doing a weather project and cannot find the total amount of rain in iniches we have had on April 2nd, April, 3rd, April 4th, and April 8th. The first person to find out i will give the best answer to!

Please help, what should l trust more good or bad reviews for an online school? looking into american school?

It depends upon what the negative reviews criticize. If the critiques are a matter of opinion or learning style, like the courses moving too slowly, then go with what's best for you. If the complaints are substantial, like not getting phone calls back, teacher emails, not being able to access transcripts at all, money issues, I'd be wary.

Poly cystic ovaries, new birth control pill, tenth day of menstrual bleeding, normal?

As I said above, I have PCOS ( poly cystic ovarian disease) About one month ago I started metformin for the PCOS. About three weeks ago I started a new birth control pill, lo-estrin. About seven days into the birth control pills, I ended up missing the pill for over 48 hours. ( I take a lot of meds and forgot I was on this one). I noticed and remembered when I started bleeding. So when I remembered, I took two, and then that night I took one, which put me back on schedule. I know that when you miss birth control pills, you can start bleeding. However, I am now concerned because I have been bleeding for ten days and I dont see an end in sight. Might I add as well that unless I am taking some sort of hormone, that I do not have a menstrual period (due to the PCOS i believe). I haven't been taking any kind of hormone for several months, so therefore; I haven't had a full blown menstrual period in maybe 6-9 months. Like I say, I'm on the tenth day of bleeding and I don't see any let up. Does anyone know about this? Cause for concern?

I'm worried. Ovarian Cyst?

It could be. But rather than ask on yahoo, you need to get checked out by a doctor! You should not delay with a possible (?) ruptured ovarian cyst. What are you thinking of........

Would i be able to play cod black ops on a 2005 hp pavilion altec lansing laptop?

its got a amd athlon (tm) 64 processor 3200+, manufacturer hewlett packard model 3085 42.3b, chipset ATI xpress 200 (RS480), southbridge ATI SB400, BIOS version F.1B, date 10/11/2005 GENERAL, type ddr, size 512 mbytes, channels # single, TIMINGS, dram frequency 165.8 mhz, fsb:dram cpu/6, SPD, MEMORY SLOT SELECTION, module size 256 mbytes, max bandwidth pc2700 (166mhz) voltage 2.50, ATI mobility RADEON xpress 200 series, and if you can please tell me what i need to possibly be able to play cod black ops if needed hope this helps

IPhone 5, Droid Bionic, or htc Thunderbolt?

Im eligible for my 2 year upgrade and am wondering which phone to get. I live in lansing which is getting 4g starting june 16th so a 4g phone would be cool, however iv heard that the thunderbolt has terrible battery life. That makes me think that i should wait for the bionic or the iphone 5. The problem with waiting is verizon's tiered data plans, which are supposed to come out soon. Is the bionic or iphone 5 (which i know is unlikely to have 4g) worth signing up for tiered data?

How to make a great pokemon stratigy?

My friend and i always battle and he keeps killing me. We use basicly the stongest pokemon which includes legandaries and all level 100. Just give me the perfect team and stratagy to beat him! Ill choose the best awnser based off how i do in the battle!

How can I make an outdoor wedding reception in Lansing,MI work?

I'm getting married in Lansing, MI in July and seem to have waited too late to book a reasonable reception hall. We wanted a reasonably priced hall that would allow us to bring our own food and I started call around in late January but all the halls that I know of that allow you to bring your own food were already booked on our wedding date (I've tried Knights of Columbus, Eagles Hall, and the Okemos Masonic Center). Since we're only having around 50 guests and the reception will probably only last about 3 or 4 hours some of my family and friends have suggested doing an outdoor reception at a local park with a nice scenery.I was reluctant to do at outdoor reception, particularly at a public park however I seem to be running out of options. Does anyone have any suggests of a nice looking park where I might be able to pull something like this off? Any ideas as to how to make an outdoor wedding reception look nice? We are having out of town guests and a photographer so I really really want my reception to look nice and want everyone to have a good time regardless of where the reception is held.

Subwoofer for my Altec Lansing speakers?

I have a pair of Altec Lansing ACS41 speakers from our original Gateway computer. As far as I know, they never has a subwoofer, but they have a port on the back to hook a subwoofer into it. Does anyone know if there is a subwoofer made for, or that works with these speakers?

Am i being selfish or is it ok?

im a 17 yr old girl who suffers from pcos ( polycystic ovarian syndrome) and one of my symptoms is hirsutisim ( my body is covered in manly dark hair including my stomach) i live in florida and we are about to have relitives visit in about a week i was talking to my dad asking if i could get a tankini to cover all my hair because im so self concious about it. he said yes when he gets his paycheck he would get it for me, well he got his paycheck and he was going to buy it until my mom started telling him "why do you always buy her stuff and not me" she already has a bathing suit. so as of now my dad will not be buying me a tankini, im heart broken because i am going to be beyond embaressed to show my face at the beach with my relitives, i dont have any money so i cant buy it myself. i just dont know what to do. im so depressed because of this hair i being selfish because i want this bathing suit so badly?

Are my expectations for college ridiculous?

Life is short, and it belongs to you. The decision is yours and no one else's. Live it to the fullest. I don't know you but I am proud of you for dreaming big. Go for it love. Congratulations!!!!

I'm hearing strange noises in my head, like a war or orders are being yelled at me. I'm in a silent room.?

I am sitting here and it is quite, only a fan on in my room. But it feels as if I am in a war sort of. I am noticing what sounds like screaming and activity, but it is dead silent. It is all in my head. Idk how to describe besides saying I feel like I am in battle and screaming of orders is all around me. I posted a few minutes ago bug I had to add something that may help. I ship out for basic training in a few months. And I doing special forces. Could this have anything to do with it. Also while I'm typing this the phone in my hands seems like it is ver small and I am a giant haha it makes no sense but idk haha I am 18 and havnt been in a war like setting yet. I'm not high or drunk and have taken no medication. I'm beginning to think I'm just setting myself up for basic. Or my mind is wondering. I have watched some shows on the military today so idk if that helps at all. Any ideas or suggestions?

Ovarian cyst 8.5cm drs want me to have a blood test for cancer marker is this rountine?

hi really scared having blood test mon for cancer marker waiting for surgey is it normal for drs to test for this

What do you think of my yugioh deck?

This deck doesn't seem to have any coordination. I'd focus more on either the Dragunity part of it or the E-HEROs. That's just me. Also, if Trap Reclamation does what I think it does, then I'd switch it out for a Mask of Darkness. Mausoleum would hurt your life points and you don't have anything that can bring those lost life points back. Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird is a pretty useful card in that situation. Monster Reincarnation should be switched out for Monster Reborn since the prior only brings the card to your hand and you need to discard a card.

Can I bring a small camera to the U2 Concert at East Lansing (Michigan) on June 26th, 2011?

I've never been to U2 but all the rest of the concerts I went to I brought a camera. Maybe just put it in your pocket and don't let anyone see it just in case.

Should i go back to my boyfriend?

No, you already wasted enough time with this loser. He's not going to stop treating you like crap and chances are he will start using drugs again. You should want better for yourself.

Second pregnancy compared to first?

I just found out that I'm pregnant and I'm a little shocked. I am battling with depression off and on and ive been praying for some peace,but it's hard for me to accept at the moment. My son is only six months so this will be difficult. I need some kind words of upset and would really appreciate it.

How can I find someones mug shot at Downtown Lansing Michigan's Police Department?

Check the PD's web site or Ingham Co web site and see if they have "whos in jail" link. Type in the name and see if the booking photo and charge comes up of the person your looking for. If no web site available call the records section and see if there is a photo and whats the policy on its release. Without a name theres no way to look up a photo.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How long will it take until I bond with my step-daughter?

It's a choice, an act of will. You will have to choose to bond with this child. It's easier with a biological child but it's still a choice of free will. Love, by the way, is also a proactive choice and one of free will. The issues you are attempting to address require some real time help from a professional counselor. The issues are complex and not easily addressed here.

Is This PC Configuration Good?

It's good, and in fact it may be a bit overpowered (do you really need a 3,2 GHz quad core? Will you fully utilize it, or will it idle most of the time?). However, if you're aiming the build for gaming, consider a more powerful graphics card. The 5670 is last-gen material, and it's from the "mainstream" segment. Consider a 5770 or perhaps a 6750.

Can you rate my GBA game collection out of 5 please!?

I'd say 5 just because I'm a pokemon fan (: I don't know what they have for GBA but if you have other consoles, you might like the Tomb Raider games.

Why is the Republican party attacking their base?

I don't know, A lot of people do something they say they aren't gonna do. Lets take you for example why are you so uneducated you don't know the difference between "breaks" and "brakes" but yet always bash cons for their spelling, punctuation, and grammar?

Could I be pregnant if...?

Okay, so my boyfriend and I had sex yesterday without a condom.. I know, stupid. He told me he'd pull out in enough time so his sperm wouldn't go inside me. But he didn't feel it, so a little bit did go in... Also, we did it again today & yet again more went in.. But see, I haven't had a period since last august because I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) so I don't even know if I can get pregnant. But I'm still scared because there is still a chance I could.. I'm 16 years old. I'm just young, stupid, and reckless.. I can't help but worry.

Am i pregnant? not sure when period is expected?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 11dpo. i'm thinking of taking a pregnancy test on monday which will be16dpo if no period of course. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catcan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy for the past couple days.

Who here plays Magical Battle Arena?

It's that Japanese game from Fly System and I was wondering if anyone plays it. Since I burly updated to 1.70 Complete Form and I need some people to play online with.

What all do i need to get my I.D.?

So i live in Lansing Michigan and i turned 18 last december. im supposed to have my I.D. but i dont. i have no money and i dont have my Birth Cirtificate. are there any easy options to get it?

Will the elderly have to return to the worker pool if Republicans take their tax brakes away?

I'll remember that the next time I'm standing in line at the pharmacy and the little old lady in front of me is counting out pennies to pay for a weeks worth of her medication.

Would my DC to AC inverter work for my stereo system in my car?

Basically, it's a 75 Watt DC to AC inverter, and will be used with an Altec Lansing 251 Model of a stereo system. My question is, when using my ipod, can i play music directly off of the stereo system using the car's power? Or will it fail miserably? I want to know so I don't go spending money on a waste of time. Thanks :)

Is Pokemon Platinum programmed to leave out one "honey tree" Pokemon every playthrough?

No - it's a matter of luck. At normal honey trees, Heracross only has an appearance rate of 1%, but higher at others. Keep trying

HELP. Mom BAD health habits?

Tell her the cold, hard facts. If she continues to do this, she'll be dead in 10 years, probably less. Maybe more like 5, and probably less than that. Tell her to AT LEAST drink some flavored water, like crystal light. It tastes sweet, but you still get your water.

I have Endometriosis and I don't know what to do.. Please help!!?

You need to get a second opinion. Those are NOT your only 2 options! There are a number of things they can do for endometriosis. They can remove all the visible implants and then try to starve out the remaining implants with Lupron therapy and birth control pills, for example. Go join an endometriosis support group at, and look up more info on the internet.

Should I stay in my school?

Its hard to understand the big picture while still in highschool but seriously, one highschool diploma is just as good as any other. The only exception is if you want to go to a very nice private college a nice private highschool diploma helps.

So about the Lansing protests?

How come the people protesting in Lansing over Snyder's new law don't just start busting up the Capitol building? The government isn't listening to you and obviously doesn't give two shits about you. I'm not saying go hurt people; but just start ******* the place up. That will get some attention.

Whats the earliest know age for premature menopause?

Well , for the first few years , your period will be irregular. 6 days late is normal , but I think you should see your doctor ASAP.

Do any restaurants near Lansing, MI give free birthday meals?

Do any restaurants near Lansing, MI give free birthday meals? Anywhere within about 30 miles from Lansing would be perfect. :-)

Any good bagpipe groups that inspire my thoughts of old soldiers?

I very much enjoy bagpipe music from the "Royal Scots Dragoon Guards", but is wondering if there are other bands/groups that have a similar theme. I very much like battle music or music that inspires the imagery of lost soldiers or soldiers that have fought together in past battles, etc.

What Birth Control Should I Be Put On ?

I'm 15. I Have Had Ovarian Cyst Which Interfere With My Period At Times. I Am Waiting For My Ultrasound Results To See If They Have Grown. I'm Supposed To Be Put On Birth Control Because I'm Very Irregular. I Skip 2 Or 3 Months And When I Get It, It Stays For A Week. I've Had My Period Since I Was 12. Which Birth Control Might They Put Me On ? And What Are The Side Effects Of The Birth Control ?

Could i have a ruptured ovarian cyst?

Since I first started my period, I've had horrible bad that i would have to miss school and curl of in a ball. This was accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomitting, and diarrhea. For the past few months I've had relatively painless periods but now for this months period, it was so bad i was hunched over on the verge of crying. I get very nauseous, hot flashes and feel like im going to pass out. I also get very sharp pains near my left ovary when i have my period, that can be very sharp throbbing pains to dull aches. I also get very bloated at random times and feel some cramping before and after my period. Now a week after my period ended, I have had sharp pains near my left ovary again and i've had diarrhea, along with some nausea/dizzyness. I went to get an ultrasound a few years ago back in highschool and they couldn't find a cyst. Are these symptoms of a cyst? Why are my periods so bad?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Any teachers out there who think this is an outrage?

What are you complaining about? We need to make sure our children learn the importance of voting. So are you saying I wasted 30 years in the Military to protect the right to vote. The problem today is people don't even know who they are voting for, just whoever they see the most on TV. Just because you are too lazy to vote doesn't mean your kids will be. I lean to the right and I see nothing wrong with this. When I was younger I was liberal, time changed my opinion, now I am moderate. Smart kid's will realize what's up when they get older. BTW A field trip is still a school day.

Which is the best name for this character?

I would do charlie, but I guess Evan or will. Zach kind of sounds like a bad boy type name & this guy sounds realy sweet & shy and polite. So.. id go with will

What does it mean when I dream myself as in a book series? As a Dragon and human shapeshifter?

I always have my dreams that I Eragon, but I am me. It is in my time then I go back in time after I touch "Saphira's" egg. Then I et to raise her and go through 1000 years to now again, but I stayed the same age. Then what happens is I appear in the egg and "Saphira" picks up me and raises me. so I can change between human and dragon and I am a rider. I also daydream alot about this and I even start talking to myself as if I am talking to a person, but I say saphira. In the dreams there is always a war or battle as well. I want to know why I have this in all my dreams. None for the past 2 years has been something else. Thank you for reading.

How do ovarian cyst feel?

I been having some pain on my left side which seems to be coming from my ovary. Any ideas on what can be causing the pain?

Why does my boyfriend come back if he doesnt want to spend time with me?

Yes they do string along girls for sex. Its really sad but their heart is not in it like women. Don't be like me. I was so much in love with this man, he told me he love me for years and married somebody else. Really in truly--it was all about the sex. Now I'm a miserable old lady. But like goes on.

Ovarian Cyst Pain But wont give nothing for pain?

I went in to the hospital a few weeks with horrible right abdominal pain,They did all the tests and found out i have a 2cm complex cyst on my right ovary Sent me home with pain meds and told me to get into see my OBGYN SO went there and told him my pain is really bad some days and i work i need something to get through the day plus i have three young kids who count on me to plan activities and such Well i went in and the doctor said i cant give you anything else and i don't think its that much pain, pretty much saying there is no pain. Is anyone else on a pain med to control the pain? If so what kind and did you describe your pain that they understood? Please help

I'm worried sick ugh?

It might be just nutritional deficiencies. Certain nutritional deficiencies can cause indigestion, bloating, missed periods, etc.. Seriously, google to see for yourself! If you don't have enough vitamin B12, vitamin B1, and zinc (and probiotics!) you can get indigestion and bloating. If you don't have enough iron and vitamin B12 you can get missed periods. you can get your nutrient levels checked out by the doctor/nurse. they will take a blood test to see if you're low in any of them.

Does Wladimir Klitschko lacks the heart and killer instinct when he is in a toe to toe battle?

Remember what happened when Corrie Sanders and Lamon Brewster decided to impose their will on Vladimir Klitschko.

Abnormal smear results?

Hi :) I was 25 in April and was invited for my first smear the day after but I put it off for 2 months and finally went 8th June, a week later I got my results, CIN 2. I'm really really scared! Iv got to go for a colposcopy at the hospital on 11th July. Iv had 2 children, one when I was 19 and one when I was 21. I had an ectopic at 23 and 2 miscarriages soon after, iv never been for my six week check ups. I had an implanon fitted after my last misscarraige November 2009. Because I had it fitted the day after my Miscarraige started I thought it was normal to bleed for 6 months. Then it stopped and I was in alot of pain and had an operation to remove a large ovarian cyst. This was a year ago and I still get alot of pain in my ovary and deep in my pelvis, I'm assuming this is adesions from my 2 ops (Fallopian tube removal for ectopic, and ovarian cyst removal) my periods remained painful but regular to the date. My last period started 2 days after my smear but wasn't painfull, or heavy, it was just spotting. It's lasted for 2 weeks now and I've only just got period pains today. I did a pregnancy test yesterday just to make sure. Negative. I asked a nurse if the smear could have messed my period up and she said no chance. I'm really sorry for rambling on! I'm so nervous. And to top it off, I watched the LEEP video on YouTube and now I can't sleep. Has anyone gone through anything like this? Thankyou so much

Whats a good city to visit in michigan?

I'm from michgan born and raised, iv been to lake michgan all up and down the coast and also michgan adventure and been to cedar point and macinaw island, i live in lansing and have been to detroit and grand rapids, I'm looking for a safe fun new town to visit that is a tleast a hour or 2 away that me and my boyfriend can visit with tons of different resuarnts and a newer more attractive shopping center and maybe some cool fun attractions to check out we are just bored of lansing and dont have the money to go out of state or anywere , where we have to pay for a hotel becuz we cant aford that either we just want a day vacation with some new stuff to explore with a long relaxing drive. any sugestions? please ecnor my speling its late and i dont feelt like correcting my gramar. thanks.

I feel so alone . :"(?

i got past 7th grade with fake smiles and fake laughs . but i can't do it anymore . :( none of my friends talk to me outside of school , and everytime i open facebook i see all the ggod times there haveing with their friends . it literally makes me cry myself to sleep . my parents fight and my brother is going to college . my parents sometimes blame their fights on me . and it hurts alot , alot more than i give credit to . sometimes i don't even want to get out of bed . and i'm tired , really tired . i'm loseing this battle and i need help . i just need a help . :"( and no one seems to care .

20 credit hours per semester - manageable?

It sounds like your going into this with a very cocky attitude. If you can stay cocky once you get that homework load I think you'll do fine. All the people I know who load up on credit hours like that seem to spend most of their time talking about how much work they have though, not necessarily complaining, more like bragging. But if you think you can do it, and then you do do it, I'm sure you will have a fantastic time telling your fellow astrophysicists how you did a bunch of extra work to get an extra degree.

Ovarian cyst and missed period? Help :(?

precum can get u pregnant but also cysts can make ur period late so u could take a test to find out so ur not worried bout it anymore..

How to mod Altec Lansing MX5021?

u need to check the capacitor which are used for filtering the signal one of the capacitor might be weak or open, u need check and replace that one, then distort will blocked,

How long does it take for an ovarian cyst to go away?

My friend has multiple cysts they are pretty small the doc gave her birth control pills im aware they dont get rid of them the pills jus prevents more to create and it prevents you from ovulating so it mantains your hormones from not going crazy which is what makes the cysts. So am wondering has any women ever expirienced having ovarian cyst non-cancerous and not mistaken by a tumor and no surgery needed, how long did it take for the cyst to go away on its own? Ive read they do go away but how long does it take because am aware they painful and am worried for my friend. Thanks

Can my ex having nude photos of me cause me to lose my child in a custody and child support battle in trial?

U are since look at what he's done u just might get a minimal offense while he did all this dumb **** I'm pretty sure they'll rather put ur child with u due to his records

I know that you don't know me personally and stuff, but I am wondering what these dreams mean?

I think you just really, really miss her. The imagination can do anything to you as a person. Maybe her spirit is somehow communicating with you. I'd see a famous psychic, I believe in their powers. Good luck! Mums are very important to us!! Try and stay positive

How do you record a video with a built in webcam?

Hi i want to get a youtube account but my mom said not until i get a camera. then my dad gave me this computer for my birthday and it has a webcam built into's like his only smaller. (it's the newer model) it says SD.MS/Pro.MMC.XD and HP Pavilion dv2415nr Entertainment Notebook PC and ALTEC LANSING.the webcam says web cam 13mp. Plz keep it simple and if you do i'll mention you on youtube! THX!!!

Im looking for a tattoo that symbolizes calmness?

I have been battling with anxiety and stress issues for a few years now and thankfully im finally almost over them. I was looking for a tattoo idea that would symbolize calmness or tranquilty. Also, im a 20 year old man so now flowers or little birds haha. Thanks

Searching someone I met?

Hey! My friend and I met these people n a field trip. We know 5 of their names but only the first names. We know they go to a catholic school somewhere near lansing and that they have no wrestling team. We really became buddies but I didn't get any phone numbers or emails because I can be that stupid, haha! How can I find them?

Inexpensive Outdoor Reception Venue in Michigan - Lansing area?

I just recently got engaged and I am trying to get ideas for outdoor wedding reception venues. We don't have a budget set yet but are looking for something inexpensive since we are a fairly younger couple and have to pay for part of it on our own. We live in a town just west of Lansing, MI and are looking for venues anywhere around the Lansing area and surrounding. A tent would be a nice back-up in case of bad weather! Any serious suggestions would be extremely helpful! :)

Ovarian pain, no period, but cramping?

Hello I stopped my birth control on Feb 20th and had my period on Feb 28th. I was taking Seasonal for 8 months before I had decided to come off of it. My period on Feb 28th was about 5 days long and ended on March 4th. After that my next period came on the 25th of April and stopped on April 28th. In May it was on the 20th and ended on the 25th. The flows were heavier but the latest two were noticably heavier. I had to change my tampon every hour to two hours. Since my period in May stopped I have been having pain on both ovaries, more so on my left side. Sometimes it is dull and sometimes it really hurts. I went to the doctor and she said I didn't have cysts. So my question is what else can it be? Ocasionally I will have cramping but it my periods have been kind of crazy since coming off the BC but before they were always exact.(Came at the same time every month) The doc said there was nothing wrong but all she did was feel around my ovaries, she did no actual test. Any ideas on what it maybe could be? I know you guys aren't professionals but I am just asking for opinions.

Battle net beta op in wont work?

on my account i want to op in for the diablo 3 beta and when i do the system check thing it says there was a problem sending your system information to please check your internet connection and try again. help!

Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm hearing strange noises in my head, like a war or orders are being yelled at me. I'm in a silent room.?

I am sitting here and it is quite, only a fan on in my room. But it feels as if I am in a war sort of. I am noticing what sounds like screaming and activity, but it is dead silent. It is all in my head. Idk how to describe besides saying I feel like I am in battle and screaming of orders is all around me. I posted a few minutes ago bug I had to add something that may help. I ship out for basic training in a few months. And I doing special forces. Could this have anything to do with it. Also while I'm typing this the phone in my hands seems like it is ver small and I am a giant haha it makes no sense but idk haha I am 18 and havnt been in a war like setting yet. I'm not high or drunk and have taken no medication. I'm beginning to think I'm just setting myself up for basic. Or my mind is wondering. I have watched some shows on the military today so idk if that helps at all. Any ideas or suggestions?