Thursday, July 14, 2011

Poly cystic ovaries, new birth control pill, tenth day of menstrual bleeding, normal?

As I said above, I have PCOS ( poly cystic ovarian disease) About one month ago I started metformin for the PCOS. About three weeks ago I started a new birth control pill, lo-estrin. About seven days into the birth control pills, I ended up missing the pill for over 48 hours. ( I take a lot of meds and forgot I was on this one). I noticed and remembered when I started bleeding. So when I remembered, I took two, and then that night I took one, which put me back on schedule. I know that when you miss birth control pills, you can start bleeding. However, I am now concerned because I have been bleeding for ten days and I dont see an end in sight. Might I add as well that unless I am taking some sort of hormone, that I do not have a menstrual period (due to the PCOS i believe). I haven't been taking any kind of hormone for several months, so therefore; I haven't had a full blown menstrual period in maybe 6-9 months. Like I say, I'm on the tenth day of bleeding and I don't see any let up. Does anyone know about this? Cause for concern?

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