Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Whats a good city to visit in michigan?

I'm from michgan born and raised, iv been to lake michgan all up and down the coast and also michgan adventure and been to cedar point and macinaw island, i live in lansing and have been to detroit and grand rapids, I'm looking for a safe fun new town to visit that is a tleast a hour or 2 away that me and my boyfriend can visit with tons of different resuarnts and a newer more attractive shopping center and maybe some cool fun attractions to check out we are just bored of lansing and dont have the money to go out of state or anywere , where we have to pay for a hotel becuz we cant aford that either we just want a day vacation with some new stuff to explore with a long relaxing drive. any sugestions? please ecnor my speling its late and i dont feelt like correcting my gramar. thanks.

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